Patterns on TablesPatterns on TablesMy husband and I enjoy going to the car boot sales around York and the auction house nearby. We look for little treasures, nothing expensive but with potential; old things that we find unique in terms of design that people don’t need or don’t appreciate anymore.
I started buying small old tables that were the perfect canvas for my pattern designs. These tables are well constructed and foldable. I wanted to take advantage of the design opportunities this offered. Because they are foldable, they offer different views, so the viewer’s perspective and angle became crucial for my designs. This is most noticeable in the Spiral Table.
Love for patternsLove For PatternsI discovered my love for patterns playing Hama Beads. Hama Beads is a popular craft activity to help children focus and be creative. It consists of little colorful beads on a tray that are fixed together by ironing on top of them and creating little mats of color. I started experimenting with them and I found the whole thing irresistible! I couldn’t stop. It had a bit of mathematics, sequencing, design, and of course, color! It made me want to experiment with patterns on bigger surfaces. Why not try on tables?