Stick-on Peel-Off Stencil Methodhand painted FurnitureThese tables were upcycled basically with the Stick-On Peel-Off method by using painter’s tape (I have used Frog Tape which I really recommend) on an already prepared and painted base. To prepare the table, the surface was cleaned, sanded, primed and painted with the background color. Having designed the pattern already on paper, I covered the table with tape and drew my design on it. With a very sharp knife, I cut and then peeled off the areas I was going to paint in a different color. It is important to be careful that the knife does not cut below the tape, otherwise, you may damage the surface. It is about knowing how much pressure to assert. Next, peeled off the tape. This method leaves sharp lines and gives the table a professional finish. Then, I added some more painted details with copper ink to some of the tables, to finally wax and buff the surface. The Stick-on Peel-Off Stencil Method worked wonderfully! Little did I know I would be using it with a very different medium.
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Patterns on TablesPatterns on TablesMy husband and I enjoy going to the car boot sales around York and the auction house nearby. We look for little treasures, nothing expensive but with potential; old things that we find unique in terms of design that people don’t need or don’t appreciate anymore.
I started buying small old tables that were the perfect canvas for my pattern designs. These tables are well constructed and foldable. I wanted to take advantage of the design opportunities this offered. Because they are foldable, they offer different views, so the viewer’s perspective and angle became crucial for my designs. This is most noticeable in the Spiral Table. |